Mike has been my husband, companion, friend, provider, and true love for 32 years. The sometimes rough, rocky roads and struggles have only served to make us stronger and closer. I don't think there's a man in all the world who would put up with the things he puts up with, and I just love him all the more for it.
And look at my sons ... both have grown into strong, faithful, Godly men. They're so good to me, and they're fairly close by so I get to spend time with them. Time ... that's such a blessing in itself. They're so much more than sons now ... they're grown-up friends who still like hanging out with their old-lady mom, with a pizza and a good movie. I love that! Andy has taken a lovely wife and they've overjoyed my heart with two little grandchildren! I never knew my heart could hold that much joy! They're growing up so fast but I love watching them at each stage of their lives, and I'm so privileged to be a part of it all.
I have a comfortable, safe (as much as anyplace is), air conditioned house, with enough food in it to eat, enough clothes to wear, and enough toys to play with. And enough housework to keep my hands and mind from becoming too idle. My service dog Sophie keeps me busy with her reinforcement training, and she's great entertainment besides. I've never seen a dog with quite her attitude!
None of this is to say that I've got the world at my feet and I'm Shirley-Temple sweet and happy all the time. (Mike would even say "most of the time";) But I'm finding more and more that with age comes wisdom, and discernment between what's important and what isn't, even though I'd never have disagreed more with this when I was younger. I really enjoy being 51 years old. Despite defective eyesight and all the aches and pains and memory lapses that come with aging, I'm seeing life more clearly now than I ever have before. Family ... love ... people ... caring ... that's what it's all about.