Tonight, I chose to watch it in lieu of Good Friday services at church. Just me, all alone, to absorb the full impact of just what Jesus went through from His prayers in Gethsamane all the way through to His death. The film was so well made with so few liberties taken, that it's absolutely believable that's how it actually went down.
The real impact of it, though, came after the movie when I pondered how that event affects my own heart, my own life, my own spirit. Although I never ever forget what Jesus went through to save me, I do tend to get busy with so many things that it loosens its grip a little. Maybe it has to be that way or, again, I'd be desensitized. I don't know.
Every once in a while, we need to stop what we're doing, tune out everything else in the world, and think. Really think about the agony, the humiliation, and the torment of the Cross. I can take it personally because, even if I was the only person on earth, past present or future, who ever committed a single teeny little sin, Jesus would've gone to the Cross anyway ... just for me, because He loves me that much.

I had some really nice prayer time outside tonight after the movie. I love to pray outside. It was windy and chilly, just lovely. Now very late tonight, my heart still feels a heaviness around it, having been so vividly reminded of Jesus's suffering. But unlike the disciples who were hiding in fear and despair that first Good Friday, I can rejoice tonight because Resurrection Day will be quickly upon us!
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