I tried to keep an open mind about Conan O'Brien filling Jay Leno's shoes. Honestly, I did. Even though I totally agreed with our local evening news, describing Conan's first monologue as "painfully not funny", I wanted to be fair; after all, it was his first show and he might've just needed to get his feet wet. Well, I'm afraid he could jump into the pool up to his eyeballs and I doubt I'd tune in again. After only three days, I just can't stand any more of him and the Tonight Show is history on my TV list. His idiocy and foolishness
are not what I consider humor and I have better ways to spend my time than watching him act stupid. Granted, Leno had some pretty stupid skits himself, but half or more of them were worth watching, and his monologues were funny for the most part. To Conan's credit, he does at times bear a striking resemblance to Beavis. But as a comedian ... sorry, Conan, but you've got me singing, "Jay Leno won't you please come home."