August 27 ... I had looked forward to it since the day my granddaughter was born ... to when she and I could bake cookies together someday. Well, today was that someday, as we drove out to Andy and Melissa's house to play with Lily and Liam for an afternoon. I brought all the ingrediments with me for half a batch of Toll House cookies. Lily helped me get everything all together and we got right to work. She carefully mixed the ingrediments together (ingrediments=Joey'ism) and scraped all around the bowl, only relying on Grandma for the muscle work that a petite almost-four-year-old couldn't quite manage herself. But the real trick was putting the dough on the cooky sheet and leaving it there, once this little lass after my own heart discovered the delights of chocolate chip cooky dough! We were lucky to have any left for cookies! Finally, I finished up while Lily played campout with a Wiggles blanket and a half dozen or so stuffed animals. But she was the one who actually made the cookies. I've used that same recipe for years and years. Funny how today's cookies tasted twice as sweet!